DNA tests confirm rare birth of DeKalb, TX quad calves

Posted: Published on April 12th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson


DNA tests have confirmed the birth of extremely rare quadruplet calves in DeKalb, Texas.

Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Moo were born to a red cow owned by Jim and Dora Rumsey Barling on March 16.

Those doubts were not surprising, considering births with 4 surviving calves like this are estimated to be more than one in 11 million.

News of the rare births spread far and wide.

Veterinarian Dr. Michael Baird said the parentage testing was arranged in order to put to rest any doubts that the calves are siblings born to the same cow.

Dr. Baird was thrilled to share the news on his Facebook page on Wednesday, 2 weeks after the samples were collected.

"It is with much joy and excitement that I make this post. Today we got a call from Jill Ginn with Geneseek reporting to us that the DNA testing is complete on Eeny, Miney, Miney, and Moo, and THEIR mother (cow #15). Scientific evidence has confirmed that these 4 calves are in fact quadruplets!!!"

Baird says all 4 calves are progressing nicely, but cautions that they are not safely out of the woods just yet.

"It's been a bad year for calves," Baird says, referring to a range of ailments and issues that have resulted calves lost to illness so far this season. "So it's been really nerve-wracking."

Go here to read the rest:
DNA tests confirm rare birth of DeKalb, TX quad calves

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