Drugs affecting ‘clock’ genes could help tackle diabetes and obesity

Posted: Published on March 31st, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Drugs affecting clock genes could help tackle diabetes and obesity

By John von Radowitz

Friday, March 30, 2012

Drugs that affect the brains "biological clock" may help combat obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes, research suggests.

Two synthetic molecules were used to alter the activity of "clock" genes that control night-and-day based body functions.

Most living things, including humans, possess circadian rhythms that respond to 24-hour cycles of light and dark.

When the new compounds were given to obese mice, they reduced their fat and cholesterol levels. The mice also became less prone to the high blood sugar condition hyperglycaemia, which can lead to diabetes.

"The idea behind this research is that our circadian rhythms are coupled with metabolic processes and that can you modulate them pharmacologically," said lead scientist Professor Thomas Burris, from the Scripps Research Institute in Florida. "As it turns out, the effect of that modulation is surprisingly positive everything has been beneficial so far."

The injected compounds, known as SR9011 and SR9009, were administered to the animals twice a day for 12 days.

They targeted the hypothalamus, which houses the brains "master clock" that controls circadian rhythms. The drugs activated certain proteins which play a key role in regulating circadian rhythms.

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Drugs affecting ‘clock’ genes could help tackle diabetes and obesity

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