Drugs-for-bombs racket in Lampang

Posted: Published on July 24th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

A racket involving the trading of drugs for stolen explosives is widespread in Lampang, according to a report released on Tuesday by Lampang provincial police, news reports said.

Following the arrest of a suspect in Muang district, on Sept 19, police seized four kilogrammes of crystal methamphetamine, known asice, two sticks of dynamite and one "power gel" bomb from his residence.

According to the police report, the suspect admitted to stealing theexplosives from lignite mines in Mae Mau district operated by the Electric Authority of Thailand, with the help of a company employee.

The stolen explosives weretraded for drugs, he said. Thesuspect told police that he had no ideahow or where the explosiveswere used.

Asource in a military unit in Lampang, who asked not to be named,was saidthe drugs-for-bombs racket is rampant inthe area, according to news reports.

He saidsecurity officers in the area were worried that the bombs could get into the hands of terrorists.

Thesource said Lampang,the country's main source of energy, isunder threat of daily bomb attacks, similar to the three southernmost provinces.

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Drugs-for-bombs racket in Lampang

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