Drugs Keep Law Enforcement Busy

Posted: Published on September 22nd, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

You can find them in any town, big or small.

The question is, how much of a problem are drugs where you live?

Alysia Huck caught up with Ward County officials to ask that very question.

The war on drugs is raging here more now than ever before.

The sharp increase in population has brought with it a dark side that often goes unnoticed by the public, but it's square in the headlights of Ward County law enforcement .

Marijuana and cocaine have turned up frequently on traffic stops in the area, but one drug in particular has officials even more concerned.

(Captain Bob Barnard - Ward County Sheriff's Dept) "The reintroduction, of a lot of meth...a few years ago meth labs were pretty frequent in county and attorney Generals office and narcotic task force really cracked down on those so we saw almost elimination of those local labs but now a lot of crystal meth coming in from other parts of the country and seen a lot more arrests for meth than even just a year ago."

The quality of drugs coming to the area is even MORE alarming.

Higher grades of drugs can potentially cause addiction problems sooner, as well as a higher chance of overdose because people aren't used to the higher potency.

And with higher grade, comes a higher price, but that doesn't seem to matter.

See more here:
Drugs Keep Law Enforcement Busy

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