Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Treatments – Video

Posted: Published on January 13th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Treatments
He is a known case of Cerebral Palsy with history of Full term Caeserean -section delivery, following which he had birth asphyxia and convulsions, till 3 months of age. Parents noticed delayed motor milestones in him at 1 year of age and consulted doctors, so was advised rehabilitation. Neurologically, he is hypertonic and hypereflexic. On examination: He has scissoring in bilateral lower extremity. He has poor voluntary control of bilateral lower extremity and fair control of upper extremity. He has near normal cognition and follows commands. He has monosyllable speech. He has bowel and bladder control and need based communication. He has poor oromotor control and is on semisolid diet. He has normal vision and hearing. After Stem Cell Therapy 1) Dystonic movements have reduced. 2) Lower limb spasticity has reduced, specially calf, hip adductors. Upper limb spasticity has also reduced. 3) Can sit in cross leg sitting without support. 4) Can do kneel standing and kneel walking with less support than previous. 5) Can do rolling by himself which he couldn #39;t do. 6) Supine to sit is independent for first half range and then needs support, which was fully assisted. 7) Bridging is more easy. 8) Balance while sitting is better, doesn #39;t fall even after thrust. 9) Trunk balance while standing is better now. Doesn #39;t fall back or front. 10) No change in speech. 11) Lifting legs while walking which he wasn #39;t able to do. 12) Started stair climbing with support, lifting leg and putting ...

By: neurogenbsi

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Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Treatments - Video

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