Easter Seals New Hampshire Highlights Services Available to Families Living with Autism Today- New CDC Report …

Posted: Published on April 2nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

(PRWEB) April 02, 2014

April is National Autism Awareness Month and Easter Seals NH is shining the spotlight on its Autism Support & Treatment Network for individuals living with autism, as is the case for more and more families. One in 68 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder, a 30% increase from 1 in 88 two years ago, according to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC estimates 1 in 42 boys have autism, 4.5 times as many as girls (1 in 189).

Its important to raise awareness about autism services and treatments available to families -- today, says Gloria Fulmer, MAT, Director of Childrens Therapeutic Services, Easter Seals NH Easter Seals is unique as one of the nations leading providers of services and support for children and adults living with autism.

Easter Seals NH also provides autism services through their Easter Seals affiliates in Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York.

Critical Need for Services Every family living with autism faces unique challenges. The fact is individuals with autism face many road blocks that prevent them from getting the help they need today. The current systems, structures and resources to help people with autism and their families do not adequately meet the growing need:

Services for children with autism who age out of the school system are critical. There is an urgent need for increased funding, said Fulmer. We want to help change all of this and make a difference for families living with autism today.

There is Hope While autism is a baffling, lifelong disability, it is treatable.

People living with autismat any ageare capable of making significant progress through personalized interventions and therapy; and, can and do lead meaningful lives, says Fulmer.

A basic rule for treating autism is the earlier the intervention, the better. If parents are worried their child may have autism, they should follow their instincts, share their concerns with their pediatrician, get a diagnosis, and seek help from service providers such as Easter Seals. Autism is a lifelong spectrum disorder that affects each individual differently and in varying degrees getting the right help at the earliest stage of life can help a child gain the skills he or she needs to be successful.

Easter Seals + Autism Easter Seals is working nationally to provide help, hope and answers to families living with autism today by delivering personalized services and treatments. Easter Seals NH offers many different kinds of interventions to address the effects of autism by:

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Easter Seals New Hampshire Highlights Services Available to Families Living with Autism Today- New CDC Report ...

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