Eczema: Its much more than dry skin

Posted: Published on March 28th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Q: I took my son to the doctor because he was constantly scratching his legs. The doctor says its eczema. Is that just a fancy word for dry skin?

A: Eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) is more than dry skin. It is an allergic skin condition that can make a child miserable. Treatment can usually help control the condition and ease its symptoms.

Eczema can look different in different children. It can be bumpy or scaly, with small or big patches. The amount of redness also varies. Dry, scaling skin usually occurs along with it.

Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a report with the most up-to-date information and advice about eczema. They said that it is especially important to treat eczema in young children. They made some recommendations for treatment and for preventing possible complications such as skin infections.

Take good care of the skin. Children with eczema should not bathe too often because this dries out the skin. Ask your sons doctor how often he should bathe. However often, the baths should be short and lukewarm, not hot. The soap should be mild, without perfume.

The most important maintenance, though, is using an ointment-type moisturizer all over the body at least once a day. Twice or more each day is even better. In my experience, some parents dont take this advice seriously.

I'm not a pediatrician, but sometimes my patients ask for advice about their kids health problems. I recall once telling a patient to cover her daughter with moisturizer at least once a day. The patient replied, My daughter doesnt need to look like a movie star! I explained that the goal was to keep her daughter from itching, and having other kids make fun of her rash.

Use creams and ointments to stop the inflammation. Moisturizers may not be enough. Your childs doctor may prescribe a cream or ointment containing a mild- or medium-strength steroid to apply to the skin. Steroids are very effective, but its also important not to overuse them. That can lead to thinning of the skin and other side effects.

Control the itch. When kids scratch, it makes eczema worse. Moisturizing sometimes helps. Medicines can make a difference, too. Your doctor can help you choose the best medicine for your child. These may include stronger steroids or antihistamines.

Prevent and treat any skin infections. Skin infections are common in people with eczema, and they, too, can make things worse. Its important to call the doctor anytime the redness of eczema increases, or you see new crusting or drainage. That may be a sign of infection.

Excerpt from:
Eczema: Its much more than dry skin

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