There have been some studies of alternative treatments for epilepsy -- including biofeedback, melatonin, or large doses of vitamins:
Epilepsy Treatment: Finding the Right Medication
Taking epilepsydrugs has always been a fact of life for most people living with epilepsy. And until the 1990s, choosing an epilepsy drug was comparatively simple: only a handful were available. In the past 15 years, epilepsy treatment for controlling seizures has come a long way. The number of available epilepsy drugs has more than doubled -- improving treatment, but making decisions more complex. Finding the best epilepsy drug for you, experts tell WebMD, involves equal parts art and science...
Read the Epilepsy Treatment: Finding the Right Medication article > >
Biofeedback is a method of using relaxation or imagery to change body functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. A biofeedback practitioner measures these functions with electrodes and a monitor. The practitioner describes a stressful situation and then teaches the patient various relaxation techniques.
The patient can see on the monitor the differences between stressed and relaxed situations. He or she can then use the relaxation techniques to feel more relaxed and control these body functions.
Biofeedback has been shown to help people with high blood pressure, migraine headaches, and pain. Researchers have investigated whether biofeedback can help control seizures, but the results have not been encouraging. However, patients who have seizures triggered by anxiety or stressful situations may benefit from this therapy, in addition to their seizure medications.
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Epilepsy Alternative Treatments: Vitamins, Melatonin, Biofeedback