Epilepsy Treatment - 100% Natural Diet To Treat Epilepsy And Seizure Disorders
e-businessmoms.com - Epilepsy Treatment... Do you suffer from epilepsy? Just like me, you can treat your epilepsy by just eliminating the four worst food offenders (gluten, dairy, soy, and corn) from your diet. I never really realized how much of these food additives or what I call "Killers," are ingredients in our foods. Epilepsy Treatment It seems like 99% of our food contains all or at least one of these four offenders that are causing us to be sick. Eliminating these things from your diet completely is not only an epilepsy treatment, but many people are getting cured from doing this. I have been able to cut my medication in half already. So I know for sure it works. At one point in my life I was so embarrassed about my seizure disorder. I did not want anyone to know, besides my family, that I had this condition. People with this disorder used to be laughed at and pretty much labeled as crazy. I am no longer hiding my condition. I am working diligently on getting rid of it naturally and I am going to help a whole lot of people with this awful condition do the same. Knowledge is power, and I am making it my passion to share whatever knowledge that was shared with me. Epilepsy Treatment My Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Corn Free Diet My diet mainly consists of organic chicken, turkey, brown rice, fried green plantains, organic potatoes. For breakfast I usually have organic or cage free eggs, gluten free bread and fresh veggie/fruit juice straight from the juicer (See the video on ...From:carbonv1Views:2430 14ratingsTime:14:17More inPeople Blogs
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