Experimental procedure uses stem cells made from body fat

Posted: Published on February 7th, 2014

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

CLEVELAND, OH Whod have ever thought something as unappealing as body fat could be useful much less lifesaving, right?

I think this will revolutionize medicine if it works, says Dr. Mark Foglietti of the Stem Cell Center of Ohio.

It turns out, fat is highly regenerative and rich in stem cells, Warren Buffett rich, having 2,500 times more stem cells than bone marrow.

And these are Mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal meaning theyre able to change into whatever type of tissue theyre attracted to.

So doctors in Cleveland are trying an experimental procedure on Multiple Sclerosis patient Kym Sellers, She was saying Dad, if I could only just get the use of my hands. If I can just use my hands, I can comb my hair. I can feed myself.

Doctors liposuction fat from Sellers, take the stem cells and mix in a biological potpourri called Stromal Vascular Fraction or SVF. The cells are supposed to act like a rescue squad responding to an emergency (they find damage to the body and repair it).

Dr. Foglietti happily tells his patient, We have 7ccs. We have 39 million stem cells! The SVF is then reintroduced into Kyms body intravenously.

You just want to pray that this is something that will improve your quality of life, says Kym Sellers.

Although the procedure only takes a few hours, itll be months until Kym or the doctors can determine if it was successful. If it is, itll be used to treat everything from asthma to A.L.S. For now though, Kym waits and prays.

Just praying for the best, she says.

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Experimental procedure uses stem cells made from body fat

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