FAQ-3 of 19: How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work to Get Stem Cells to Organs – Video

Posted: Published on November 3rd, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

FAQ-3 of 19: How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work to Get Stem Cells to Organs
youtu.be A video describing how stem cells home in on their injured organs, find their place and then differentiate into the cells that the hurt or diseased or dysfunctional organ NEEDS. Specific chemical markers act as #39;homing beacons #39; for the undifferentiated stem cells, bringing the vibrant, healthy stem cells STRAIGHT to the diseased organ, to begin rejuvenation. For more on this and how stem cells MIGHT help you or your loved one, go to StemCell-Asia.info now.From:Harvey WallbangerViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:06More inScience Technology

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FAQ-3 of 19: How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work to Get Stem Cells to Organs - Video

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