FASEB Science Research Conference: The Biology and Chemistry of Vision

Posted: Published on January 28th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Bethesda, MD - The FASEB Science Research Conference on Biology and Chemistry of Vision provides in-depth analysis and discussion of all aspects of rod and cone photoreceptor biology and pathology, including the functional relationships between photoreceptors and other cell types in the posterior eye. The 2015 Conference will have two keynote speakers, nine platform and two poster sessions covering the broad fields of photoreceptor chemistry, cell biology, neuroscience, and retinal disease mechanisms. The first session will address the structure, function and genetics of retinal proteins. The second will cover the functional interactions between photoreceptors and the retinal pigment epithelium. The third will consider photoreceptor synaptic mechanisms. The fourth will provide historical context for the most critical breakthroughs in the field, cover current trends and consider future programmatic goals for the field. The fifth will highlight photoreceptor function and degenerative disorders in a broad context of ciliary cell biology. The sixth will update the field about the successes and limitations in new approaches to restoring visual function, including advances in gene therapy and stem cell transplantation. The seventh will be devoted entirely to discussing the molecular mechanisms of photoreceptor pathobiology. The eighth will cover new mechanisms of photoreceptor regulation, and the last, ninth session will be reserved to present the most exciting late-breaking news in the field.

The relatively small number of attendees (typically around 150) will catalyze scientific interchange by combining high-quality, formal presentations of novel experimental results with informal interactions in a friendly, collegial atmosphere. Two poster sessions, each session lasting for two full days, will be organized thematically from the submitted abstracts. In addition, a large number of oral presentations will be selected from the abstracts and include both 15 min "short" and 5 min "data blitz" talks, delivered primarily by junior investigators. This format, along with shared activities, will provide numerous educational and networking opportunities for junior scientists - graduate students, postdocs and assistant professors starting their laboratories - to be fully engaged in discussions, exchange ideas and formulate new collaborations.

FASEB has announced a total of 34 Science Research Conferences (SRC) in 2015. Registration opens January 20, 2015. For more information about an SRC, view preliminary programs, or find a listing of all our 2015 SRCs, please visit http://www.faseb.org/SRC.


Since 1982, FASEB SRC has offered a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings. Divided into small groups, scientists from around the world meet intimately and without distractions to explore new approaches to those research areas undergoing rapid scientific changes. In efforts to expand the SRC series, potential organizers are encouraged to contact SRC staff at SRC@faseb.org. Proposal guidelines can be found at http://www.faseb.org/SRC.

FASEB is composed of 27 societies with more than 120,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. Our mission is to advance health and welfare by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998 http://www.faseb.org/SRC-Vision

THE BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF VISION Date: June 14-19, 2015, Big Sky, MT Organizers: Vadim Arshavsky, Marie Burns

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FASEB Science Research Conference: The Biology and Chemistry of Vision

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