February is American Heart Month | Center Light and Champion – The Light and Champion

Posted: Published on February 4th, 2021

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in

The United States and approximately 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes occur every year.

Morethan 800,000 people in the U.S. die from cardiovascular disease each year

that is 1 in every 3deaths and approximately 160,000 of them occur in people

under the age of 65. Many peoplewho are at high risk for heart attack or stroke

do not even know it. Here are some hard factsabout heart disease:

Following a heart attack, approximately 1 in 4 women will die the first year compared to

1 in 5 men;

1 American dies from stroke every 4 minutes;

1 in every 3 deaths is from heart disease and stroke which equals 2,200 deaths per day;

90% of Americans consume too much sodium, increasing their risk for high blood

pressure, a major contributor to heart disease and stroke;

Approximately 160,000 people who died from cardiovascular disease in 2014 were

younger than 65;

African Americans have the highest rate of high blood pressure of all population groups

and they tend to develop it earlier in life than others.

Many risks for heart disease and stroke, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol,

may not have any symptoms. Many of these risks, specifically high blood pressure, high

cholesterol, smoking, and obesity, are preventable and controllable through healthy lifestyle

changes. Controlling these risks could reduce one's risk for attack or stroke by more than 80%.

Before making changes, one should talk with their health care provider about the ABCs:

Aspirin when appropriate

Blood pressure control

Cholesterol management

Smoking cessation

Healthy lifestyle changes can control and prevent risks for these conditions by:

Prevention starts with everyone, it is important to understand the risks and take control of

ones heart health by eating a heart-healthy diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in

sodium and trans-fat. Most importantly, following doctors prescription instructions and


For more information contact Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living 936-544-2811.

Parkinsons Support Group

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is the most commonly performed surgical treatment for

Parkinsons. This proven procedure is not experimental and is currently FDA-approved for

the treatment of Parkinsons, essential tremors, epilepsy, and dystonia symptoms. It can also

treat side effects of Parkinsons medications, however, it is not a cure for the disease.

Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living (CRCIL) is hosting the monthly Parkinsons

Support Group meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Jeb Phillips

with Abbott Laboratories will be speaking on DBS.

To register for the event, visit crockettresourcecenter.org, click on On-line Training, and click

on Upcoming Events. For more information, contact CRCIL locally at 936-544-2811.

2021 Medicare Changes

The Medicare program changes every year. The Centers for Medicare

and Medicaid Services (CMS) passes new rules and legislation takes

effect. The 2021 year is no different. Medicare will have changes and

it is important for all beneficiaries to have the most current

information and know their facts.

Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living (CRCIL) is hosting a

workshop via Zoom on Monday, February 15 th at 1:00 p.m. Danielle

Sells, Benefits Counselor with Deep East Texas Council of

Governments (DETCOG) will be speaking about Medicare Changes

for 2021.

To register for the event, visit crockettresourcecenter.org, click on

On-line Training, and click on Upcoming Events. For more

information, contact CRCIL locally at 936-544-2811.

Cooking for Wellness

Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living (CRCIL) and Texas

AgriLife Extension Agency will be presenting a monthly class on

Cooking for Wellness. Presenters Cathy Newsome with CRCIL and

Holly Black with Texas AgriLife Extension Agency will feature

practical advice for planning and cooking simple, seasonal, healthful

foods that support well-being during this time of physical distancing.

The presentation will be held at CRCIL via Zoom on Thursday,

February 18, 2021 at 10:00a.m. To register for the event, visit

crockettresourcecenter.org, click on On-line Training, and click on

Upcoming Events. For more information, contact CRCIL locally at


Cardiovascular Disease Workshop

The number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. is heart

disease; it claims a life every 33 seconds. There are preventive

measures that can be implemented to reduce the risk of heart disease

such as adopting a healthy diet, increasing exercise, stop smoking,

reducing sugar intake, limiting alcohol, and decreasing ones stress.

Phillip LaCorte with the Heart Institute of East Texas will be speaking

at the Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living (CRCIL) via

Zoom on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. His topic is

Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.

To register for the event, visit crockettresourcecenter.org, click on

On-line Training, and click on Upcoming Events. For more

information, contact CRCIL locally at 936-544-2811.

Diabetic Support Group

Diabetic heart disease can be coronary heart disease (CHD), heart

failure, and diabetic cardiomyopathy. Diabetes by itself may put one

Continued here:
February is American Heart Month | Center Light and Champion - The Light and Champion

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