First-Ever ‘Made In India’ Surgical Robot Gets Installed In Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute – Pragativadi

Posted: Published on July 16th, 2022

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

New Delhi:Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center, New Delhi (RGCI)haveinstalled thefirst-everMade-in-IndiaSurgicalRoboticSystem,SSI-Mantra,devised by the new-ageIndian med-tech start-up SS Innovations.

The ingenious SSI Mantra, a brainchild of World-renowned robotic cardiac surgeon Dr. Sudhir P Srivastava, will be signifying the beginning of a new era ofsurgical procedures in India, making robotic surgery accessible and affordable for the people of our country.


OnthismomentousoccasionDr.SudhirRawal,MedicalDirector,RGCIsaidIhaveusedtheSSIMantra System on many of my patients. In its present form, the performance is quite good, and I could use theSystemformanyverycomplexoperations.ManymorepatientsinIndiaandaroundtheworldwillbenefit fromthistechnologybasedonqualityandcost-effectiveness.

SS Innovations has made thenation proud, being the first company in South Asiato launch this epoch-making machine SSI Mantra, a technologically advanced surgical robotic system that has more andbetter features and applications than existing Surgical Robotic Systems and is much less expensive. Thismachine will revolutionize the idea of surgery practices in our homeland and around the world in termsofprecision,technicaladvancement,andcostreduction,makingexpensiveroboticsurgeryavailableforthecommonpeople.

Dr.SudhirPSrivastava,Founder,Chairman&CEO,SSInnovations,popularlyknownasTheRoboDoctor,on this occasion said, Based on the benefits I have seen in Robotic Surgery patients and observing verypoor availability of Surgical Robotic Systems in India and many other developing economies, I made itmy mission to develop a new Surgical Robotic System that would offer better and more advancedtechnologyfeatures,applicableinmostspecialtiesincludingCardiacSurgeryandbecost-effective.WeatSSIwereabletoachievethisvisionwiththehelpofsomeverytalentedengineersfromIndiaandhighlyexperiencedglobalscientists.

ApartfromDr.SudhirPSrivastavaandDr.SudhirKRawal(MedicalDirector,RGCI),Dr.SomashekharSP(Chairman&HODSurgicalOncology,ManipalComprehensiveCancerCareCenter) and


This cutting-edge SSI Mantra is modular, flexible, and versatile in comparison to leading global surgicalsystems,whichdominatedthesurgicalroboticsmarketwithamonopolytodate.WhatmakesSSIMantraeven more promising for the future is that it was developed in only under five years, which would havebeenfurtheracceleratedifitwerenotfordelayscausedbythepandemic!

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First-Ever 'Made In India' Surgical Robot Gets Installed In Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute - Pragativadi

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