First medical intern joins daVinci’s Brain in Monroe – Monroe Evening News

Posted: Published on May 26th, 2017

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Michelle Trojniak is a doctorate of occupational therapy student and will be in Monroe for three months.

DaVincis Brain in Monroe welcomed its first intern.

Michelle Trojniak, a doctorate of occupational therapy student from Huntington University in Fort Wayne, Ind., has joined the Monroe community-based occupational therapy youth-serving program.

During her stay in Monroe, she will satisfy her pediatric rotation Level 2 fieldwork experience.

Ms. Trojniak will be mastering her clinical evaluation, treatment planning and intervention skills for the next 13 weeks.

She worked as a rehabilitation assistant at Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers in Ypsilanti and Farmington Hills, which treat clients with traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries.

She received a bachelors degree in bio- medical science from Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant.

As part of Ms. Trojniaks occupational therapy requirement, she has completed three Level 1 fieldwork experiences at the YWCA, working with domestic violence victims; at Pathfinders in the 0- 3 year first steps nursery, and at Parkview Regional Medical Center in the intensive care unit in Indiana, a news release said.

She has also been on medical mission trips to Costa Rica, Haiti and China.

Growing up I always knew I wanted to go into the medical field. I had an uncle with a disability, whom I was very close with, said Ms. Trojniak. I would see therapists, nurses and doctors care for him, some with more compassion than others. This influenced my decision to join the medical field.

After getting a job at Rainbow Rehab, Ms. Trojniak realized she enjoyed rehabilitation work.

I debated between PT (physical therapy) and OT for a while until I decided it was OTs holistic approach and way of looking at function for purposeful activities that I identified with most, she said. I love seeing how using engaging occupation based activity that is meaningful to them can make such a profound impact on an individuals life.

DaVincis Brain was created by Valerie Kiley, who is an American Occupational Therapy Association certified fieldwork educator who volunteers her time to mentor students.

The program also accommodates bachelor level social work students for fieldwork placement.

The organizations model is to mentor and provide real life public health opportunities for senior level health and humanities student practitioners to solve real problems and make real impact.

DaVincis Brain also has worked with entrepreneur and business students from Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, and Wayne State University, Detroit, on their capstone projects for business development.

It uses the creative community-based program as a model and Ms. Kiley guest lectures at universities.

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First medical intern joins daVinci's Brain in Monroe - Monroe Evening News

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