Flanders doctor loses license for having sex with patient

Posted: Published on June 19th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

MOUNT OLIVE TWP. A Flanders neurologist who once headed the prestigious brain injury rehab department at Welkind Institute for Rehabilitation centers in Chester and West Orange, has lost his license to practice after he admitted to having a sexual relationship with a patient, authorities said.

The neurologist, Dr. Jonathan Fellus, admitted to having the the relationship with the patient who he had determined suffered an apparent mild brain injury, while she was under his treatment and was an outpatient in a cognitive rehabilitation program at an unnamed institutional facility in West Orange, according to a statement from the state Division of Consumer Affairs.

The state Division of Consumer Affairs announced June 14 that the Board of Medical Examiners has revoked Fellus's license, whose last address was listed as Advanced NeuroCare LLC,227 Route 206, in Flanders.

A spokesman with the Welkind Institute said Fellus worked for the hospital from 1997 to January 2011, including a stint in management in the brain injury unit.

The facts clearly show that Dr. Fellus engaged in a relationship with this patient, even though he knew or should have known she was suffering a diagnosed cognitive disorder and was physically debilitated by injuries she suffered in a car accident, acting Attorney General John J. Hoffman said in a statement. This relationship violated long-standing ethical standards and a specific Board of Medical Examiners rule prohibiting sexual contact between physicians and their patients.

Resigns Post

Fellus was placed on administrative leave by the unnamed facility and resigned in 2011. When the facility received confirmation of the conduct, it immediately contacted the board, authorities said.

The Board of Medical Examiners prohibition of sexual contact with patients is intended to protect those who are vulnerable and who are attempting to heal, Division of Consumer Affairs Acting Director Steve Lee said. The Board of Medical Examiners took the right action by revoking the license of this physician for violating this essential requirement.

According to the Attorney Generals complaint, the patient, then 33 years old, suffered injuries in a February 2008 automobile accident. After the accident, the patient suffered episodes of weakness, collapsing with loss of consciousness, seizures, emotional maladjustments, and physical injuries. Her treating neuropsychologist referred her to Fellus, who was the director of brain injury services at the West Orange rehabilitation facility.

Fellus was to perform comprehensive assessment and treatment of her neurological and brain injuries.

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Flanders doctor loses license for having sex with patient

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