Focus on multidisciplinary research

Posted: Published on March 31st, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Former director of IICT, K.V. Raghavan exhorted the students to focus on multidisciplinary research.

Speaking at the inaugural of two-day national seminar on Recent Advances in Chemistry on Monday at Kakatiya University, Mr

Ragavan urged the research fraternity to take up interdisciplinary research without confining themselves to their specific areas of research. He said that researchers should think beyond traditional areas like organic, inorganic, physical chemistry and should promote new specialisations and focus on emerging field in chemistry such as stereo-chemistry, organo-metallic chemistry, thermo-chemistry, computational chemistry, electro-chemistry etc which are going to play a key role in future.

There are ample opportunities in the field of chemistry and initiatives are required to grab them. Chemistry plays a key role in inventing new products and developing new processes, Mr Ragavan said. Delivering key note address on How chemistry impacts our health and wealth, IICT scientist and Bhatnagar awardee G. Narahari Sastry said that chemistry has a bearing on every branch of science research. Its role in drug and pharmaceutical field brought drastic changes in health conditions and increased longevity of man. There are no territorial barriers for research and scientists should be prepared to work with experts of other disciplines in the interest of human welfare, he said. Seminar Director V. Ravinder, Convener G. Dayakar, Science Dean A. Sadanandam were present.

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Focus on multidisciplinary research

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