Forum taps mysteries of the human brain

Posted: Published on August 9th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Kevin Ward experienced a brainstorm after suffering a concussion in a skiing accident on Aspen Mountain on Christmas Day.

Ward, president of the Aspen Strategy Center, was frustrated by the lack of information when he tried to research what he should eat and do to recover from the concussion. As a man of science, he had the ability to understand doctors and scientists, but they had little to offer. He kept hearing, Were 10 years from knowing what we should do, he said.

So Ward immersed himself in everything related to brain research.

Frankly, we know more about the universe than we do about the brain, Ward said. Every other part of the body we know a ton about.

But the lack of knowledge is poised to change. The Obama administration committed billions of dollars to brain research, and Europe is investing millions of euros in The Human Brain Project.

Wards interest in the brain led him to Jeannie Andlinger, an Aspen resident whose son, Ger, suffered two consecutive concussions while playing prep school lacrosse and ended up committing suicide. The incident got Gerry and Jeanne Andlinger committed to supporting traumatic-brain-injury research, diagnosis and treatment.

Jeanne has been pursuing this doggedly, Ward said.

He and Andlinger co-founded a forum where Aspen residents and visitors can learn what is being discovered about the brain and where research is leading. A one-day forum featuring several top speakers in brain-related research fields will take place Saturday. The Aspen Brain Lab will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Paepcke Auditorium. The cost for the entire event is $195 and includes lunch.

Its kind of everything you wanted to know about the brain, Ward said.

The day will be divided into four sections. Creative Brain will explore whether the human brain is wired for imagination and innovation. Presentations will examine what sets geniuses such as Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein apart and how to realize your creative potential.

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Forum taps mysteries of the human brain

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