Gateshead parents praise Tiny Lives charity for its help and support at difficult time in their lives

Posted: Published on January 20th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

The parents of a baby left with a brain injury after complications during birth have praised a charity for its help and support.

Teenage couple Lucy Thear and Mark Cairns, both 18, couldnt wait to welcome their first child into the world in July last year.

But their delight turned into heartache when Lexie-May was an undiagnosed breech and was born bottom first in a stressful and traumatic birth.

Sadly the youngster, who was born weighing 6lbs, suffered a severe brain injury and it is difficult at this stage to know how badly she will be affected in later life.

Mum-of-one Lucy, of Chopwell, Gateshead, said: Everything was good during my pregnancy and we were so excited about having a baby.

The labour was going fine until we realised that Lexie-May was an undiagnosed breech. She suffered a severe brain injury during birth and when she was born she was not breathing and was floppy.

I couldnt hold her as she was immediately taken away for treatment. It took about 20 minutes for doctors to resuscitate her and about half-an-hour into Lexie-Mays life she suffered two fits and was hooked straight up to ventilation, drips and a heart monitor, she was so tiny and precious.

When Lexie-May was just one hour old she was transferred to the Special Care Baby Unit at Newcastles Royal Victoria Infirmary, where she spent a month building up her strength.

Baby Lexi-May with mum Lucy Thear

During her time on Ward 35 Lexie-May was supported and helped by the regions Tiny Lives. The charity supports premature and sick newborn babies and their families on the Special Care Baby Unit at the Royal Victoria Infirmary.

Go here to read the rest:
Gateshead parents praise Tiny Lives charity for its help and support at difficult time in their lives

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