Genome Medicine

Posted: Published on September 7th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Medicine in the post-genomic era

Genome Medicine publishes peer-reviewed research articles, new methods, software tools, reviews and comment articles in all areas of medicine studied from a post-genomic perspective. Areas covered include, but are not limited to, disease genomics (including genome-wide association studies and sequencing-based studies), disease epigenomics, pathogen and microbiome genomics, immunogenomics, translational genomics, pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, proteomics and metabolomics in medicine, systems medicine, and ethical, legal and social issues.

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DNA-PK inhibition boosts Cas9-mediated HDR

Transient pharmacological inhibition of DNA-PKcs can stimulate homology-directed repair following Cas9-mediated induction of a double strand break, and is expected to reduce the downstream workload.

Genomics of epilepsy

Candace Myers and Heather Mefford review how advances in genomic technologies have aided variant discovery, leading to a rapid increase in our understanding of epilepsy genetics.

CpG sites associated with atopy

Thirteen novel epigenetic loci associated with atopy and high IgE were found that could serve 55 as candidate loci; of these, four were within genes with known roles in the immune response.

Longitudinal 'omic profiles

A pilot study quantifying gene expression and methylation profile consistency over a year shows high longitudinal consistency, with individually extreme transcript abundance in a small number of genes which may be useful for explaining medical conditions or guiding personalized health decisions.

Ovarian cancer landscape

Exome sequencing of mucinous ovarian carcinoma tumors reveals multiple mutational targets, suggesting tumors arise through many routes, and shows this group of tumors is distinct from other subtypes.

NGS-guided cancer therapy

Jeffrey Gagan and Eliezer Van Allen review how next-generation sequencing can be incorporated into standard oncology clinical practice and provide guidance on the potential and limitations of sequencing.


A platform for managing clinical exome sequencing data that includes data entry, distribution of work assignments, variant evaluation and review, selection of variants for validation, report generation.

Semantic workflow for clinical omics

A clinical omics analysis pipeline using the Workflow Instance Generation and Specialization (WINGS) semantic workflow platform demonstrates transparency, reproducibility and analytical validity.

Stephen McMahon and colleagues review treatments for pain relief, which are often inadequate, and discuss how understanding of the genomic and epigenomic mechanisms might lead to improved drugs.

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Exploiting single-molecule transcript sequencing for eukaryotic gene prediction

Minoche AE, Dohm JC, Schneider J, Holtgrwe D, Viehver P, Montfort M, Rosleff Srensen T, Weisshaar B et al.

Genome Biology 2015, 16:184

Analysis methods for studying the 3D architecture of the genome

Ay F and Noble WS

Genome Biology 2015, 16:183

Graded gene expression changes determine phenotype severity in mouse models of CRX-associated retinopathies

Ruzycki PA, Tran NM, Kefalov VJ, Kolesnikov AV and Chen S

Genome Biology 2015, 16:171

Predicting the spatial organization of chromosomes using epigenetic data

Mourad R and Cuvier O

Genome Biology 2015, 16:182

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Genome Medicine

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