Gilbert postpones biology textbook debate

Posted: Published on November 23rd, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

"Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections (Seventh Edition)," has a chapter that discusses abstinence, birth-control methods, tubal ligations and vasectomies, and drugs that can induce abortion.(Photo: The Republic)

The Gilbert Public Schools governing board postponed a discussion over whether an honors biology textbook should mention abortion.

Superintendent Christina Kishimoto had expected to present a plan Nov. 18 for how to go about editing two pages of "Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections (Seventh Edition)," which has a chapter that discusses abstinence, birth-control methods, sterilization and drugs that can induce abortion.

RELATED: Gilbert schools to edit 'abortion' section of textbook

But board members questioned whether the presentation would violate the state Open Meeting Law because Kishimoto's presentation was to be part of her regular superintendent's report and not a separate item on the agenda. After calling the district's attorney, they the board instructed Kishimoto to make her presentation at a future meeting.

Kishimoto has previously said that she does not believe the textbook violates a 2-year-old state law that requires public schools to "present childbirth and adoption as preferred options to elective abortion."

At least one other school district Paradise Valley and one individual high school Desert Vista, in the Tempe district also use editions of Campbell Biology in honors or advanced-placement classes. Officials for those schools say the book has not generated any complaints.

MORE: Sex ed controversies in Gilbert, Tempe an anomaly

Gilbert school officials have mulled changes to the book since August, when they received a letter from Natalie Decker, an attorney for the Scottsdale-based advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom. The group has also advocated to keep Arizona's ban on same-sex marriage, which was overturned this month.

"The (textbook) law is not limited to books in sex-education classes," Decker told the board in October. "It applies any time a mention of abortion is included in instruction. This is not an ambiguous law."

Gilbert postpones biology textbook debate

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