Going the distance for Ben

Posted: Published on December 22nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

By Jonny Bonell Monday 22 December 2014 Updated: 22/12 14:31

Buy photos Roy Dalby will be undertaking the walk to help raise funds for Ben. Photo by Alex Bradbury 5114014ABR.

A SELFLESS Redditch man will give up his Christmas Day to undertake a 17-mile walk in a bid to raise vital funds for a little boy's 'life changing' operation.

Roy Dalby will be lugging a cart and presents from the borough to two-year-old Ben Harris-Bell in North Littleton, Evesham, dressed as Father Christmas.

The youngster is based with his mum Emma but suffers from cerebral palsy, which affects his legs and hips meaning he cannot walk or crawl yet.

An operation called a Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy is available in America but up to 40,000 will need to be raised to allow the youngster to undergo treatment.

Without the operation Ben's life will be filled with physio and surgery to help lengthen his leg muscles and pain like cramp as his short muscles will make his legs grow out of shape.

Even after the operation he will need about two years of intense physio at home with specialist equipment.

Roy, who will be joined by his sister Tracey Dalby wearing an elf costume, told the Standard despite breaking two ribs just over a week ago the fund-raiser would be more than worth it.

"The fact I can walk 17 miles and that poor little boy can't walk 17 inches really decided it for me," the 53-year-old said.

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Going the distance for Ben

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