Google Glasses used at COMP-Northwest

Posted: Published on August 28th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Brion Benninger, anatomy professor at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest, is using Google Glasses to teach anatomy in a more realistic setting.

During a summer anatomy course, Benninger piloted an exam where students used the Glasses to identify different anatomy parts, he said. More traditional anatomy exams use pins on cadavers and students must identify that part.

There could be a pin or a string wrapped around an individual structure, Benninger said.

The students are to write down what that structure is, he said.

Whatevers grabbed or pinned, they write it down, Benninger said. The problem with that is its biased because Ive put a pin in it or Ive highlighted it with a string wrapped around it.

This is more like a multiple choice exam than a fill-in-the blank test, he explained.

When you do a procedure on somebody, nobody puts a flag or a string around the structure youre supposed to identify, Benninger said.

Instead, students would wear Google Glasses, and by scrunching theyre eyes together when they find the correct part to identify, the Glasses will take a photo of the correct area, he said.

This gives us an opportunity to use Glass to teach anatomy, Benninger said. It was a way for us to assess for a way thats more true to real-life situations than some really rather biased pin sticking in a structure.

This puts the instruction of anatomy to a higher level, Benninger said.

Read more here:
Google Glasses used at COMP-Northwest

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