Grey's Anatomy Reveals Burke's Shocking Secret, A Fan Favorite Dies on The Big Bang Theory and More OMG TV Moments

Posted: Published on May 2nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Welcome, TV lovers, it's May day! May is all about season finales and special sweeps events, (here are 19 of them that you absolutely cannot miss!) and tonight's TV shows were certainly a great start to a huge month for the small screen. Grey's Anatomy welcomed back Isaiah Washington as Dr. Burke and he dropped on our beloved Cristina. Things got heated on The Vampire Diaries, and a beloved Big Bang Theory character passed on. All that and more in tonight's edition of OMG TV Moments!

Grey's Anatomy: This is it, Cristina lovers. Tonight we finally found out the official reason that our beloved surgeon is going to leave GSM for good. Cristina was invited to a fancy-schmancy event to speak about her conduit trials in Zurich, only to discover that Burke was behind the invitation. Cristina soon learned that her former beau is now happily married with kids, and, thanks to a private donor, he owns his own swanky hospital! Believe us when we tell you that this place is the Rolls-Royce of hospitals. (It has a hologram maker!!)

MORE: Catch up on Wednesday's OMG TV Moments!

So did Burke ask Cristina to leave GSM and come work for him at his pristine palace? Not quite. Burke revealed that if Cristina were to work with him, then he's not sure if his marriage could survive it. Woah! Instead, Burke divulged that he's leaving and he wants Cristina to take over for him. Cristina's response was absolutely perfect: You're offering me your hospital like you're Willy Wonka and you're handing me a chocolate factory?"Yup! And just like that, Cristina now has the perfect excuse to step away from the Harper Avery Award-repellant that is GMS.

Reign: Mary managed to obtain a large sum of (Catherine's) money, and the control of a whole lot of brand new guardsmen in order to help her mother back home. So how did she do it? Oh no biggie, she just arranged for Catherine to be abducted, and in order to find out the location of the Medici hidden money, Mary also ordered for Catherine's bratty Italian cousin to be killed. She also blamed the now dead cousin as the mastermind behind the kidnapping. Damn, our little queen-to-be is becoming a serious badass!

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The Vampire Diaries: If you're going to be haunted by a ghost, we definitely suggest that you make it a hot one, like Enzo. Our pissed-off poltergeist tried his best to seek revenge on the Salvatore brothers by trapping them in a burning cabinbut alas they escaped, as per usual. In other redundant moments, Elena was captured by Markos and the rest of his chanting band of traveler weirdos. (At what point is that girl going to add "Official Damsel in Distress" to her resume? She sure is an expert on it.)

In other news, Damon and Elena kissed, and had yet another of their "what the heck are we doing?" conversations. Caroline's crush on Stefan has reached epic levels, and we're loving each and every second of it. Plus, Bonnie and Jeremy tortured a half-naked Tyler/Traveler, and Bonnie continued to evade the telling her beau that she is soon going to be gone forever and ever. And ever.

PHOTOS: Check out all the huge TV happenings coming this month!

The Big Bang Theory: Rest in Peace, Professor Protonwe miss you already! Tonight Sheldon was forced to deal with the fact that Arthur Jeffries (played by the iconic Bob Newhart), aka Shelly's childhood hero passed away. Arthur came to Sheldon as his Obi-Wan Kenobi-inspired sprit guide and encouraged the scientist to be more appreciative of the people in his life.

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Grey's Anatomy Reveals Burke's Shocking Secret, A Fan Favorite Dies on The Big Bang Theory and More OMG TV Moments

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