Hair Loss Treatment – Video

Posted: Published on November 12th, 2012

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

Hair Loss Treatment
At each cell division in your hair follicles on your scalp , the frequencies encoded in this video along with the subliminal and supraliminal progamming will cause those new cells to become or take on the attributes of embryonic stem cells, and also increase the concentration of human growth hormone, in your scalp all working towards stimulating and pushing for hair recovery, thickening and full growth. The end product should be you with a full head of hair. Effective and cost free. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results. All sounds and images are the copyright of (formerly projectvampire)From:projectvampireTVViews:1 2ratingsTime:10:02More inScience Technology

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Hair Loss Treatment - Video

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