Scientists from the University of Washington discovered that people with a mutation of the CHD8 gene have a 'very strong' likelihood of having autism It is the first time that researchers - from 13 institutions - have linked a definitive cause of autism to a genetic mutation A total of 15 children with the CHD8 mutation shared similar characteristics in appearance as well as problems with sleeping and digesting food When scientists disrupted the CHD8 gene in fish they found they too showed characteristics such as wide-set eyes and problems digesting food Experts believe their study will help uncover hundreds of genetic mutations and lead to genetic testing for the condition
By Sarah Griffiths
Published: 06:46 EST, 7 July 2014 | Updated: 07:28 EST, 7 July 2014
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Scinetists have discovered that people with a mutation of the CHD8 gene have a 'very strong' likelihood of having autism (stock image)
Scientists have taken a breakthrough step towards understanding exactly what causes autism.
Researchers from 13 institutions around the world have discovered that people with a mutation of the CHD8 gene have a 'very strong' likelihood of having autism.
The new study found the gene mutation was marked by common characteristics, including gastrointestinal disorders, a larger head and wide set eyes.
Go here to read the rest:
Have scientists found the autism gene? Breakthrough as specific link between DNA and the condition is discovered