How to Stop Itching Your Skin If You Have Eczema –

Posted: Published on June 18th, 2017

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

"Dont scratch" is probably one of the bestand worstpieces of advice an eczema patient can receive. The skin condition, which is causedby an abnormal immune reaction that results in dry, red, cracked patches of skin, is only made worse by itching. Your nails damage the skin barrier, which then ramps up inflammatory molecules that exacerbatethe itch, explains Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. Whats more, chronic scratching may make you more susceptible to infections, since it's easier for bacteria to invade the crackedskin.

But heres the rub: itching an eczema rashfeels good. "Scratching induces a short term pain response that suppresses the itch," says Dr. Silberberg. "Patients feel the short-term gain, but dont realize how it actually harms skin." Your best way to dampen down the itchis to see your doctor for treatments, prescription or over-the-counter, thataddressthe underlying problem that causes the itch. Although it may not be possible to stop itching once and for all, here are eightstrategies that may help you keep your hands off.

Jeffrey S. Fromowitz, MD, a dermatologist in Boca Raton, Florida recommends holding an ice cube or cool compress on the itchy area. "The cold stimulus interrupts the bodys feeling of itchiness and can help break the itch-scratch cycle," he says.

One way to control the itch is by using a psychological tool called "habit reversal." As a 2011 studyof itch management strategies for atopic dermatitis (the most common form of eczema, which occurs in allergy-prone people)points out, scratching can become a conditioned responseone you might not even be aware youre doing. With habit reversal, you recognize the habit, think about times youre most likely to scratch, then consciously do something different when the itch arises. For example, if you notice that you often scratch while you watch TV, have something to keep your hands busy during that time, such as usinga stress-relief ball, an adult coloring book, orfidget spinner, or simplyclenching your fists.

While an underlying genetic issue isthe likely culprit in causingatopicdermatitis, certain things in the environment can make symptoms worse.Not everyone has the same eczema triggers, but a fewcommon ones include heat or cold, certain fabrics like wool, allergens like dust or pet dander, and scented skincare products or detergents.Dr. Silverberg notes that it'simportant to recognize these factors so you can avoid themor ininstances where you cant, then preemptively treat them.

Stress and anxiety are eczema triggers for many people. "Higher levels of inflammatory chemicals such as the stress hormone cortisol worsen inflammation, which makes eczema more severe,"explainsDr. Fromowitz. Knowing that certainsituationstend to leave you feeling especially fried and frenzied(and brainstorming a keep-calm plan for such times) can help keep the condition under control. A few tried-and-true strategies: meditation, yoga, getting plenty of sleep, and exercise.

Hot water might feel good in the moment, but it can ultimately worseneczema by releasing itch-inducing compounds, says Dr. Fromowitz. Instead, use lukewarm water, which is less likely to exacerbate sensitive skin. And while youre in there, stick to a mild, unscented soap (perfumed products can irritate). After you towel off, apply a liberal amount of moisturizer to hydrateand repair the skin's barrier.

RELATED: 9 Things You Should Never Do If You Have Eczema

The repetitive act of slathering on a nice lotion before bed can be soothing for your skinand mind, says Dr. Silverberg. Also, realize that you may not be able to stop the itch in its entirety, and therefore try not to be frustrated if the sensation to scratch is distracting when youre trying to doze off. "That frustration can aggravate the itch and make it even harder to fall asleep," he says.

Although some people with eczema wear gloves to prevent themselves from scratching, Dr. Silverberg points out that they might have the reverse effect, since they can make hands sweatyand sweat can make skin feel itchier.A better option than gloves if youre a mindless scratcher: keep nails as short and smooth as possible. "If you do scratch, you wont create quite as much damage," Dr. Silverberg says.

Still struggling with persistent itch? You may want to consider light therapy (also calledphototherapy), which uses ultraviolet light topenetratethe outer layers of skin totamp down inflammatory cells, and thus, itching.

"Its incredibly safe, but the downside is that its time-consuming," says Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD, Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York."Patients have to go two to three times per week for several months, and you start to see results after four weeks."

For patients who have difficult-to-treat eczema,Dr. Guttman-Yassky recommends phototherapy as part of a combination treatment plan alongside moisturizers and topical steroids in order to clear up the condition and hopefully ease itch.

Originally posted here:
How to Stop Itching Your Skin If You Have Eczema -

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