How we can win the battle and the war – Mumbai Mirror

Posted: Published on June 10th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados


A few colleagues and acquaintances I know passed away abruptly in the last few weeks. These include a senior radiologist who succumbed to cardiac arrest, one who died of lung cancer, and another who had chronic renal disease. I cannot help but wonder whether some of them might have been alive had the pandemic not struck.

The reasons for collateral damage are manifold. Fear of accessing healthcare in Covid times often causes patients to overlook early symptoms of a disease like a breast lump or mild chest pain. For those who need to travel to access healthcare, the lack of transport facilities may prevent timely care. Add to this the financial distress many are facing, and the lack of sufficient beds in overburdened big hospitals or partially functional nursing homes, and it is clearly not a good time to fall sick.

A similar worsening of non-emergent health issues may happen across all aspects of medical care. Inadequate sugar control in diabetics, delayed immunisation in children, postponing procedures for chronic ailments like cataracts or orthopaedic surgeries, and a growing epidemic of mental health issues will have unmeasurable downstream effects, including mortality.

This mortality and morbidity is purely due to medical reasons. But the wider socioeconomic impact of Covid is something that can never be measured accurately, be it on poverty, hunger, suicides, etc. The deaths of more than 200 labourers travelling back home is a case in point.

So what can we do to minimise this collateral damage? Especially when India had imposed an early and prolonged lockdown, sending the admirable message that we prioritise peoples lives and health over economy. Our guiding principle thus has to be that every life matters; no death can be condoned as an unfortunate but unavoidable tragedy.

The first thing is to have data on all-cause mortality including Covid, suspect Covid and non-Covid deaths. Mortality figures for select cities have been released, with Mumbai reporting lesser mortality in April 2020 than in April 2019. This does not, however, necessarily portray the real picture. Many deaths reported in 2019 were of patients who travelled to Mumbai from across the country for medical care; such deaths will now not be captured in the Mumbai data. Some reduction is also because of decreased accidents. We need to sieve through all-cause mortality data at the state and national level rather than city level, although this is easier said than done in our current constrained settings.

Secondly, widespread public efforts are needed to combat the fear of Covid so that people access healthcare sooner rather than later. We also need to identify major potential areas of collateral damage (like TB, cancer, HIV etc), and have targeted media campaigns and interventions focused on these patients. Strategies to ease access to healthcare facilities by road, rail, and air transport need to be prioritised.

The role of telemedicine has to expand considerably to allow patients to decide between travelling to a higher-level hospital vs taking optimal treatment locally. Many senior doctors have been exempt from Covid duties in public and private hospitals. These can be roped in to provide tele-consultations. While patients treated by private doctors usually have direct contact numbers, the poor treated in public hospitals do not have this luxury, and telemedicine practised via centrally-managed helplines can be a real boon for them. And finally, smaller hospitals and doctors need to again start feeling comfortable treating patients. Two things central to this are PPE availability and timely Covid testing.

While we all need to start living with Covid, this cannot be at the expense of dying from other illnesses. Otherwise, we would have won the battle only to lose the war.

- The author is a radiologist by profession and a writer at heart. Views expressed are personal.

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How we can win the battle and the war - Mumbai Mirror

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