Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts in The Rockaways – Video

Posted: Published on November 18th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts in The Rockaways
Please donate to the relief effort at Photographed by Michael Crook Photography Music by Messes http November 2011- In the weeks after Hurricane Sandy devastated a huge portion of the eastern seaboard, volunteer and relief efforts quickly began to spring up all over hard-hit areas such as the Rockaways in Queens, NY. Even the likes of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake showed up to distribute supplies. This video showcases the grassroots efforts of organizations and individual volunteers in the Rockaways who have tirelessly worked to help those in dire need of basic living essentials and supplies. As of now, the majority of homes and apartments in the Rockaways are still without power. From the St. Francis de Sales Relief effort website: "Relief effort coordination and operations for the Rockaway Beach region continue out of the St. Francis de Sales Parish. The community relief center is organized by volunteers who generously donate their time and skills. The parish has converted its gym into a distribution center for those in need of essential items such as clothes, non-perishable food items, diapers, batteries, and space heaters. Volunteers are sorting these donated items and assisting community members so as to provide them with the materials they most require. Each day volunteers coordinate hot food distribution for those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Those receiving breakfast, lunch, and supper each day ...From:MomentumPictures1Views:1 0ratingsTime:06:29More inNonprofits Activism

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Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts in The Rockaways - Video

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