In the Kirov region from 1 April will limit increases for vital and essential medicines

Posted: Published on March 24th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

In the Kirov region from 1 April will limit wholesale and retail surcharges on the vital and essential medicines. As a reporter BakuToday, as stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Governments Dmitriy Matveev.

According to him, the Government is constantly monitoring the issue of availability of medicines in the region. One means for doing so is to regulate the pricing on the vital and essential medicines (NVLP), included in the list. The Department of health in conjunction with the regional service on tariffs (PCT) conducts regular analysis of organizations engaged in wholesale and retail realization of medical products. Based on the analysis for the first quarter of 2012, decided to cut from April 1 limits of wholesale and retail size limits to actual vacations allowance prices manufacturers of medicines included in the list of NVLP. The PCT issued March 16.

As pointed out by matveev, limits of wholesale and retail rates are set individually, depending on the cost: the more expensive drug product, the lower the amount of the allowances. Provides lower limits for drugs in three price groups with sales prices: up to 50 rubles inclusive-the ultimate wholesale margin drop from 20 to 19%, retail-with 40 to 35%; over 50 up to 500 rubles inclusive-the ultimate wholesale allowance from 15 to 14%, retail-up to 30% with 32; more than 500 rubles-the ultimate wholesale allowance from 12 to 11 percent and limiting retail-with up to 26% 23.

Application limits of the allowances (with constant sales prices manufacturers) will lead to a decline in retail prices of medicines included in the list of NVLP. The total reduction in drug prices should not wait because most pharmacies make allowance for drugs below threshold. Price changes can be expected in those pharmacies which due to lack of competition used a marginal producer prices leave premiums. Medications, which concerns the decision, make up about 10% of the total retail turnover pharmacy networks.

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In the Kirov region from 1 April will limit increases for vital and essential medicines

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