Indore: Men more exposed and Covid-prone than women – Free Press Journal

Posted: Published on December 13th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Indore: As everyone is prone to Covid-19, those suffering from diabetes and hypertension are more susceptible of the disease and its consequences. When going through the death analysis of those who succumbed to the disease, 48.94 per cent of them were suffering from diabetes and uncontrolled co-morbid condition become one of the reasons of their death.

Not only diabetes, hypertension too goes hand-in-hand with the silent killer as about 43.05 percent patients gave up to the disease were suffering from hypertension.

The trend of Covid-19 has already shown that men are more exposed and infectious as compared with women and the death analysis too showed the same pattern as out of these 48 and 43 percent people died of diabetes and hypertension respectively, 69 percent of them were men.

Moreover, 26.53 percent deceased were suffering from both the silent killers.

According to district contact tracing in-charge Dr Anil Dongre, As many as 799 people died due to Covid-19 in city till December 9 and the number of men was more than women. The trend also shows that those having diabetes and hypertension were more prone to the disease and these are major co-morbidities found in the deceased.

He also added that patients having any of these conditions should take extra care of themselves.

After diabetes and hypertension, asthma has the highest percentage in co morbidities taking toll on patients.

48 % patients had diabetes, 43 % had hypertension, 26 % had both

Comorbid conditions have become a major reason of deaths among patients and the most fatal are diabetes which is over 48 percent patients had diabetes, 44 percent had hypertension, and 26 percent patients had both.

Comorbidity Patients

Asthma 76

Diabetes 391

HT 344

Heart disease 121

TB 8

Diabetes and HT. 212

See the article here:
Indore: Men more exposed and Covid-prone than women - Free Press Journal

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