Lecturer, senior lecturer, reader or professor in polymer chemistry

Posted: Published on March 18th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Salary: Professor will be within the Professorial PaycScheme Band Structure

Reader/Senior Lecturer:

Grade 9 48,743 - 54,841 per annum.


Grade 8 38,511 to 45,954 per annum.

The Department of Chemistry wishes to make up to two academic appointments at any level (Lecturer,Senior Lecturer, Reader or Professor) in the area of polymer chemistry, joining our internationally renownedpolymers / materials chemistry research group. We are seeking to strengthen further ourinternationally leading research activity in polymer chemistry. You are invited to apply for our availableacademic post(s) in the Department of Chemistry at any level from Lecturer to Professor, to start on 1September 2015, or a date to be agreed.

The Department has a long-standing reputation for excellence in polymer and soft matter research, andplays a leading role in the Sheffield Polymer Center, the largest grouping of polymer scientists andengineers in a single UK institution.

You will be expected to have, or to be able to develop, an internationally recognized program of researchin some aspect of polymer chemistry and will contribute to teaching on the departments portfolio ofdegree programs, including our MSc course in Polymers for Advanced Technologies You will have theopportunity to participate in our EPSRC-funded 7.2 million single-site CDT in Polymers, Soft Matter andColloids, which provides 50 CASE PhD studentships over five years which commenced in October 2014.

The level of the appointment will be determined by your experience.For you to be considered for the Professorial appointment you should have an established, internationally-recognisedresearch program supported by a proven ability to attract grants from a range of fundingsources; you should also be able to provide research leadership.

For a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer appointment, we are looking for evidence of outstanding achievementappropriate to your career stage and the clear potential to develop research leadership; applications fromfellowship holders are particularly encouraged.

Read the rest here:
Lecturer, senior lecturer, reader or professor in polymer chemistry

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