Legal aspects of drug dependency. IDUs and police (!with English subtitles now!). – Video

Posted: Published on November 1st, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Legal aspects of drug dependency. IDUs and police (!with English subtitles now!).
One of the three new educational films for IDUs on Harm Reduction issues in Russian now available with English subtitles. The trilogy film were produced by the International Alliance on HIV / AIDS in Ukraine with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation (local Open Society Foundation office) and aimed at overcoming existent obstacles and creating favorable conditions for Harm Reduction programs implementation including Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) program in Ukraine. The film is ment for IDUs, their relatives and NGOs working with them. Warning! This informational and educational film contains scenes of violence and offenses. Recommended for viewing to those who already use drugs and people who help drug addicts. The film is not recommended for those not using drugs, especially for children and pregnant women!From:PabloEsc36Views:33 1ratingsTime:16:15More inEducation

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Legal aspects of drug dependency. IDUs and police (!with English subtitles now!). - Video

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