Letter to the Editor, Nov. 24, 2019: Kahlil Pfaff on mental health – Richmond.com

Posted: Published on November 24th, 2019

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

State impeding access to mental health care

It has been six years since personal tragedy struck the family of state Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, thrusting mental health awareness further into the spotlight. Since that time, the commonwealth has responded positively through various programs and initiatives.

One mistake the commonwealth has made, however, concerns the way critical mental health services can be accessed by a vulnerable population, our children. Since the governing bodies and programs abdicated their responsibility by handing over Medicaid funding and approval to six private, for-profit companies, there has been a significant denial of services and supports our children can receive. Programming such as Therapeutic Day Treatment (TDT), which is designed to support children with behavioral and mental health needs in our schools, is being denied by companies such as Anthem, Virginia Premier and Optima. It is my understanding that the money saved by service denials is kept by the managing company. This seems to be a conflict of interest.

Criteria for programs like TDT are set by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). The only thing that has truly changed is how the private companies interpret those guidelines private companies controlling public monies. Providers and families have to plead to get approvals for services that could help prevent children from being placed out of home, that could improve social skills and behaviors, and that promote stability and prevent crisis.

What happens when the next school shooting or mental health tragedy occurs? Who is going to be blamed the schools, local mental health boards, the government or the companies managing Medicaid? Rather than point fingers post-crisis, why not work to change the way that services are authorized and managed in the first place?

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Letter to the Editor, Nov. 24, 2019: Kahlil Pfaff on mental health - Richmond.com

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