Living with ulcerative colitis Era Sentinel

Posted: Published on September 30th, 2018

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that results in long-term inflammation and ulcers in the digestive track. The disease affects the lining of the large intestine and rectum. Like Crohnsdisease, another type of IBD, ulcerative colitis has no known cure, though diet and medication have been shown to significantly reduce certain symptoms. Some treatment plans have even resulted in long-term remission.

What is living with ulcerative colitis like?A report from theCrohns & Colitis Foundation of American found1.6 million Americans suffer from IBDwith as many as70,000 new cases every year. The precise cause of IBD is not known, though most physicians and scientists believe it to involve the interaction between the immune system, environmental factors and genetics. Ulcerative colitis is a distinctive form of IBD because inflammation primary occurs in the innermost layer of the intestine lining, though can spread to the entire colon.

The diseases symptoms vary depending on the severity of inflammation and where it occurs in the body. Most people with ulcerative colitis experience symptoms that may include: rectal pain, diarrhea (often bloody), abdominal pain and cramping, urgency to defecate, rectal bleeding, weight loss, fever and fatigue. There are different types of ulcerative colitis depending on how much of the colon the disease affects. Children who develop ulcerative colitis are more likely to have severe symptoms as they age.

Changes in diet can help mitigate the diseases symptoms.

GAPS Diet and ulcerative colitisIn her book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride writes that more research is emerging linking ulcerative colitis with opportunistic gut flora getting out of control. This overactive gut flora gets access to the gut wall, damaging its integrity, which results in leaky gut syndrome. The GAPS Diet centers around treating and healing leaky guts by cutting out detrimental foods and products.

Many physicians and nutritionists agree that changes in diet can help mitigate the diseases symptoms. During colitis flare ups, affected individuals should avoid consuming fatty foods, caffeine andalcohol. They should drink plenty of fluids and speak with their doctor about limiting their fiber intake. Some individuals with ulcerative colitis have found some relief from their symptoms by taking probiotic supplements.

While there are many probiotic products on the market, Campbell-McBride writes that many of these products are not strong enough or not contain enough beneficial bacteria to be beneficial. She recommends speaking with a qualified practitioner to choose high quality supplements. Additionally, on the GAPS Diet, participants eat probiotic-rich foods that naturally restore the balance of microflora in the gut.

Source: Living with ulcerative colitis

Living with ulcerative colitis Era Sentinel

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