Man inadvertently spiked by date rape drug

Posted: Published on June 29th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

A man may have inadvertently thwarted an attempted date rape scenario, thanks to the appeal of a free tequila shot.

Nick Fone, 24, said he was out drinking in the small hours of Thursday morning when he was the unsuspecting victim of a spiked drink.

"I was just chatting to these girls when a guy came along with a shot of tequila. He offered it to both of them and they both turned it down."

Mr Fone said he thought it was weird that even though there were two girls, he approached them with one single shot, "it was pretty ballsy."

He said although he doesn't remember what the man looked like, he recalled he was a "big guy, he had one of those green jackets on with a German flag on the shoulder and longish greasy hair."

Mr Fone said when the girls declined the tequila shot he volunteered to take it, and it was given to him reluctantly.

"After I had it the guy came up to me, the music was blaring and he was saying something to me, I couldn't understand what he was saying and then I finally caught it, 'Rohypnol's in there'."

Mr Fone said the man quickly left after that, leaving him standing there processing what he had just been told, "I Googled it on my phone and then thought 'f***'.

"I ran to the bathroom and tried to throw it up but it wasn't working, I couldn't get anything out."

He told his friends and the girls at the bar who were shocked, "I just said, 'oh well, better me than you' and then she said, 'yeah, that's what I was thinking' ... It basically killed the night."

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Man inadvertently spiked by date rape drug

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