Man jailed for six years for pharmacy hold-up

Posted: Published on August 13th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Aug. 14, 2012, midnight

A SEBASTOPOL man who held up a Ballarat pharmacy, only to be apprehended by two members of the public, has been jailed for six years.

Craig Matthew Camblin, 43, appeared in the dock of the County Court in Melbourne yesterday, where he was given a non-parole period of four years.

Last week Camblin pleaded guilty to a single count of armed robbery, relating to the hold-up on January 27 this year.

According to prosecution summary obtained by The Courier, Camblin was wielding a large carving knife and wearing a makeshift balaclava when he entered the Priceline store in Sturt Street about 8.30am.

Holding a large black garbage bag, Camblin confronted a young female staff member and said give me all your money out of the till.

The woman grabbed coins from the cash register and threw them towards the bag while also pressing the emergency button.

She hoped to make enough noise to alert other staff members.

Camblin became angry and told her to hurry up, the summary read, at which point the staff member removed the entire cash register drawer containing about $170 and put it on the counter.

Camblin grabbed the drawer and stuffed it in his bag before running out the door.

See the original post:
Man jailed for six years for pharmacy hold-up

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