Man makes sick kids feel like super heroes

Posted: Published on March 21st, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

ST. LOUIS (KSDK) - It's a mission of super hero proportions. A man with cerebral palsy is reaching out to help children with the same disorder.

The idea is, if you feel like a super hero, you can act like one.

"I want to show them that it's possible to do what you can do while you can do it, as long as you try," said Marty Gregoire.

Gregoire had to undergo multiple surgeries just to walk. Now, he runs a 5K every single month. He motivates himself by motivating others.

He founded the Capes for Kids program, which provides personally monogrammed super-hero capes for children facing surgery or taking an important step in their CP treatment.

Gregoire is from New York, but on Thursday his work reached all the way to St. Louis.

Maya received her super hero cape to help her through recovery from a tough surgery at St. Louis Children's Hospital.

She had the same procedure that Gregoire had about eight years ago. She was one of two patients to receive capes at Children's Hospital Thursday.


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Man makes sick kids feel like super heroes

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