23-11-2011 04:24 Obama Lied, Death Panels Will Decide, Who Will Live and Who Will Die What if I told you that members from Obama's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are currently meeting with Doctors from around the country, behind closed doors right now and discussing that when Obamacare kicks in, there will be panels that will decide how much money will be spent on you and what care you may or may not receive, if you should have a stroke or aneurysm or any debilitating accident or ailment, and if you are a certain age, (say 70), they will determine if you are worth the cost of rehabilitation or if it would be more cost affective by putting you in a bed with a feeding tube and calling it "Comfort Care" until you die. And what if I told you that if you were one of these people, you would not be referred to as a patient, you would be called a "Unit"?
See the rest here:
Mark Levin, a Neurosurgeon Calls In About Death Panels From Obamacare and HHS - Video