May is stroke awareness month

Posted: Published on May 13th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons


Stephen Schneider, 31, doesn't look old enough to be a stroke survivor, but he is. Last year he had Army Reserve training and decided to run alongside a soldier he was helping to test.

"I noticedI couldn't talk. My speech was real slurred," he said. "And then the next thingI knewI was on the bleachers. My ACU jacket was off. My boots were off."

His face was drooping on one side, and he couldn't move the left side of his body.

Schneider was soon on his way to the hospital.

Patients who have had a stroke are taken to thetrauma room at Huntsville Hospital.

Dr. Amit Arora is a neurologist who specializes in strokes.

"Time is brain. The faster we can get treatment, the more brain we can salvage," he said.

That message is extremely important when trying to fight the after effects of a stroke.

"As people come in sooner to the emergency room, we have more treatment available to them. Our biggest goal for the next several years is to have a higher community awareness," said Arora.

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May is stroke awareness month

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