Men’s health presentation set Nov. 14

Posted: Published on November 5th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Corsicana The field of medicine and urology specifically, has experienced many breakthroughs and advancements. Urologic procedures for Mens Health conditions such as Erectile Dysfunction, Stress Urinary Incontinence (bladder control problems) and Hormone Replacement Therapy (testosterone replacement) have become less invasive and transformed by technology. Today, there are many new treatments for these conditions. Some offer a temporary solution; others, provide a more permanent way to resolve the problem. Our goal is to provide the information needed to find the solution thats most satisfying to the patient and his partner.

In an effort to increase awareness of these innovations, please join us on Wednesday, Nov. 14 for a free presentation highlighting the advances in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, Stress Urinary Incontinence and Hormone Replacement Therapy. A special guest will also be present to discuss how he corrected his condition.

As a precursor, here are a few facts about these Mens Health Conditions:

You are not alone. Over 30 million American men have Erectile Dysfunction.

17 percent of U.S. men over 60 reported an incontinent episode.

Low testosterone is strongly correlated to a decrease lean body mass, decreased energy and reduced sexual desire.

The seminar is FREE for you and your partner. Once again, we invite those interested to find out more about these Mens Health issues. Spouses and significant others are encouraged to attend. Please call (903) 872-3005, ext. 310 to reserve a space at this upcoming event. Hope to see you there.

Dr. Margarita Kressin, MD of Medical and Surgical Associates of Corsicana specializes in Mens Health and is a nationally-recognized urologist as it pertains to Male Sexual Dysfunction and Male Urinary Incontinence. For more information on this topic or other urologic conditions please call (903) 872-3005, ext. 310

Men’s health presentation set Nov. 14

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