Mirapex Without A Prescription » Online Pharmacy

Posted: Published on February 29th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

In the middle of February, the Star Valley Independent celebrated a birthday, one that dates back to 1901 when the newspaper first began consistent production. Since that time, the Independent has not missed a weekly edition. Take a look back 25, 50, 75 and 100 years ago during this same week of the calendar year and see what made the pages in the eyes of the writers and editors.

25-years ago:

Following the conclusion of the 49th legislature in Cheyenne earlier this week, Representative Alan Stauffer said he was disappointed that the states spending wouldnt be scaled back further . . . at the 1980 level in order to balance the budget.

Wyomings unemployment rate for January was 10.6 percent, up from Decembers 9.7 percent. Januarys rate was the highest recorded in the state since February 1963.

For Sale: 1987 Star Valley Historical Calendars, $3. Great for gifts giving.

50-years ago:

Afton Grade school Building in Poor condition, says fire inspection report The inspection was made at the request of the board in trying to determine whether the building built in 1925 was in good enough condition to justify extensive repairs, or whether a bond issue to build a new building should be processed. The safety of school children and all persons using the building was also a factor in requesting the survey.

(photos) Rope climbing was one of the activities that tested the physical skills of the scouts at he Scoutarama Saturday night at the stake house. Pillow Fighting was another of the Scoutarama contest in which only the fittest survived.

75-years ago:

To Local Ski JumpersOn Saturday, March 20th all the local ski jumpers of Star Valley will have a chance to jump, jump, and jump, in four classes, A, B, C, D. The most suitable hill in the lower valley will be used and three awards will be given in each class. The jumps will be made very safe. There will be no hurdle jumping, behind horse or car, it is not only too dangerous, but spoils ski jumping form. Form will count more points than distance, so get busy and practice. Form means safety, and safety is what we want on all our jumps. W. Clinger.

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Mirapex Without A Prescription » Online Pharmacy

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