Mom: Colo. marijuana laws benefiting daughter's condition

Posted: Published on April 23rd, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Mother says Colo. marijuana laws benefiting daughter's condition

A young girl from the Kansas City area is making big improvements after taking advantage of Colorados new marijuana laws, according to her mom.

KMBC 9 News reported about Sydni Yunek in February.


Yunek, 10, moved to Colorado from Kansas City with her mom, Holli Brown, for a special form of cannabis oil called Charlottes Web.Sydnis seizures, sometimes 125 per hour, have reduced by about 75 percent since Sydni started taking Charlottes Web last year, according to Browns observation.

"It seems to do something that the pharmaceuticals can't do," Brown said.

Brown first heard of Charlottes Web from other parents giving the treatment to their kids. It is a low-THC version of cannabis.

Parents and patient advocates claim it has no psychoactive side effects on kids, though there is a lack of significant controlled studies on the cannabis oil.

The treatment is not yet legal in Missouri or Kansas.

Thats why Brown and her daughter moved from Missouri to Colorado last year to try and stop Sydni's seizures.

Mom: Colo. marijuana laws benefiting daughter's condition

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