Most Women Don't Know Warning Signs of Stroke: Study

Posted: Published on March 21st, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

By Mary Brophy Marcus HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, March 19, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Most women say they'd call 911 if they were experiencing a stroke, but many don't recognize the major warning signs of stroke, new research shows.

The study authors surveyed more than 1,200 women in the United States to assess their understanding of stroke's warning signs.

"We saw a high level of knowledge to call 911 when a stroke occurs," said study author Dr. Heidi Mochari-Greenberger, an associate research scientist of preventive cardiology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. Eighty-four percent of women know to dial for an ambulance if a stroke hits. But the good news stopped there, Mochari-Greenberger noted.

Only 51 percent of the women knew that sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the face, arms or legs is a warning sign of a stroke. Less than half (44 percent) knew that speech difficulty is a stroke sign. Fewer than one-quarter of the women could identify the following as other top stroke signs: sudden severe headache (23 percent), unexplained dizziness (20 percent), and sudden vision loss or vision loss in one eye (18 percent).

"The results suggest that efforts to improve stroke warning sign recognition among women has the potential to reduce treatment delays and improve outcomes in women," said Mochari-Greenberger.

And, noted Dr. Keith Siller, medical director of the NYU Langone Stroke Treatment Center in New York City, "What really compounds the story even worse is that minority women -- black and Hispanic women who have different risk factors, including [high blood pressure and cholesterol] management issues -- are among those not recognizing classic stroke signs."

Siller, who was not involved in the research, added, "This is a double whammy we have to address."

Twenty-five percent of Hispanic women did not know any stroke signs, compared to 18 percent for whites and 19 percent for black women, according to the study.

Are men better at spotting a stroke?

Read the original here:
Most Women Don't Know Warning Signs of Stroke: Study

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