MS research company, Carman CEO in question

Posted: Published on January 26th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Just under four years ago, Carman resident Jolene Stevenson travelled to India to undergo Liberation Therapy in the hopes that it would cure her MS.

They were thinking that the Liberation treatment is the cure, she remembered.

So if it worked there wouldnt be any more symptoms of MS.

The treatment and travel costs added up to about $17,000 and the Carman community held a fundraiser to help Stevenson with the expenses, bringing in over $10,000 to help support her trip.

Stevensons treatment was arranged through Regenetek Research and she paid the fee through CliniCard Inc. - both companies owned by another Carman resident,DougBroeska,whose credentials came into question earlier this month.

Other media organizations have reported that Broeska both fabricated his credentials and overstated the results of the Combination Therapy MS treatment for which he recruited patients.

Regenetek Inc. and CliniCard are both located at 1213 Chevrier Boulevard in Winnipeg.

Broeskapreviously owned and operated a lumber company called Hardwood Forest Products at the same address.

Broeska stated on his LinkedIn profile (now removed) that he graduated with a Bachelor of Science and a Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba, but the university registrars office told the Valley Leader there is no record of the man receiving any degrees from their institution.

Lengthy statement released

See original here:
MS research company, Carman CEO in question

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