MS Symptoms and Treatment Options: Get the Facts

Posted: Published on September 17th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Multiple sclerosis symptoms introduction

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that attacks myelinated axons in the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system), damaging or destroying the myelin and/or the axons (nerve tissue). The disease is often slowly progressive over many years (about 25 years) and is most commonly diagnosed in females ages 20 to 40 but may occur at any age and both genders. Individuals often suffer intermittent attacks followed by periods of symptom remissions. Attacks can last for days or months at a time followed by remissions; some individuals however, may continue to get worse without periods of remission. The goal of this article is to present and introduction to the various symptoms and treatments that can arise in individuals with multiple sclerosis.

Because the autoimmune inflammatory may attack some of the myelinated axons in the central nervous system almost anywhere, the location (and severity) of each attack can be different. Consequently, the symptoms of a MS attack may be quite variable from patient to patient and can appear almost anywhere in the body. The usual first sign and symptom is often a change in sensory perception (paresthesias) almost anywhere in the body. Other early common symptoms include fatigue, weakness, tingling, and blurred vision. Because of the highly variable symptoms this is a disease that is difficult to diagnose when symptoms first appear. The rest of the article will present symptoms that arise from various parts of the body that can be due to MS. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms described below can occur in other disease processes so it is important that MS is diagnosed by ruling out other conditions.

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 8/4/2014

MS Symptoms and Treatments - Eye Problems Question: What type of eye symptoms do you have with MS, and what treatments have helped with this problem?

MS Symptoms and Treatments - Muscle Question: What type of muscle symptoms do you have with MS, and what treatments have helped with this problem?

MS Symptoms and Treatments - Numb, Tingling Question: What type of numbness, tingling, twitching, and pain symptoms do you have with MS, and what treatments have helped with these problems?

MS Symptoms and Treatments - Sex Question: What type of sexual problems do you have with MS, and what treatments have helped with this symptom?

MS Symptoms and Treatments - Communication Question: What type of speech or swallowing symptoms do you have with MS, and what treatments have helped with this problem?

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See the original post:
MS Symptoms and Treatment Options: Get the Facts

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