MS unit to trial new treatments

Posted: Published on May 29th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

29 May 2013 Last updated at 19:28 ET By Eleanor Bradford BBC Scotland Health Correspondent

Scotland is to benefit from a dedicated centre to test potential new treatments for multiple sclerosis.

The MS trials unit at the Southern General in Glasgow will conduct clinical trials of drugs which could delay the progression of the condition.

Scotland has the highest incidence of MS in the world, which makes it a top destination for drugs companies who want to test new treatments.

Experts say the unit will help bring more lab-based research to the market.

Consultant neurologist, Dr James Overell, who will work in the new unit, said: "This is a very exciting time in MS research.

"I can diagnose up to five people a week with the condition.

"Their main concern often is not always for the here and now, but what will happen to them later in life. Will they be in a wheelchair by the time they are 50? The unit will be able to give patients access to experimental treatments first and faster."

Susanne McLean was diagnosed with MS shortly after she turned 30.

"I finally got my diagnosis after about four years of different little symptoms cropping every now and again, " she said.

Read the rest here:
MS unit to trial new treatments

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