Mummy 02-17-2013 3 weeks till Stem Cell infusion.
Mummy just got over another terrible bout of Pneumonia. But she #39;s starting to look better. I know that #39;s hard for you to tell, but for the past 2 weeks she #39;s been in the ICU looking, well, not good! So I #39;m thankful once again my prayers are answered. She was scheduled to start the Stem Cell study last week, but they had to set her back for obvious reasons. I #39;m looking forward to the next video which will hopefully be showing some sort of improvement. There have been some significant successes within the first 2 groups of stroke victims who recently participated in the study. My Sisters being doctors have tried to tell me not to get my hopes up too high, but I #39;m remaining optimistic. Anyone out there who thinks prayer can help, please share! I #39;m a bit of a convert, to prayer that is, not religion. Not that there #39;s anything wrong with that 😛
Jamey EExcerpt from:
Mummy 02-17-2013 3 weeks till Stem Cell infusion. - Video