NAU audiologist collaborates with industry partner to develop novel therapy for noise-induced hearing loss – NAU News

Posted: Published on November 9th, 2019

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Nov. 5, 2019

More than 700 million people worldwide suffer from somedegree of hearing loss, including an estimated 20 percent of Americans over theage of 12, according to medical experts. In fact, the World Health Organizationpredicts that more than 1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk ofnoise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) by using personal listening devices athazardous volume levels.

Treating and preventing NIHL is complicated, however, becauseoverexposure to noise triggers three separate types of damage to the cochleathepart of the inner ear involved in hearing. Loud noise promotes theproliferation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), a type of free radical thatinjures the molecules of the cochlea; it stimulates inflammation in the cochlea;and it damages the DNA of the cochlea.

Audiologist and molecular biologist Oneil Guthrie, an associate professor in NAUs Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders,is collaborating with New Jersey-based Optigenexon a three-year contract totaling $551,000.

Guthrie will conduct a pre-clinical investigation of a noveltherapy using the companys patented ac-11 technology based on carboxy alkyl esters, which help thebodys natural ability to repair DNA. Guthrie believes this therapy, which willbe administered as a single oral formulation, has the potential to repair cellsdamaged by noise and prevent hearing loss. As an added benefit, the technologycan also target ROS and inflammation to prevent cell death in the cochlea.

By developing a single drug given orally as a vitamin orgummy that addresses all three problems, Guthrie hopes to make the drug as safeand effective as possible, avoiding unknown or poorly understood interactionsbetween multiple drugs and their side effects. The drug could be taken by aconstruction worker, for example, before using a jackhammer, or by aconcert-goer after attending a loud concert. Members of the U.S. military standto benefit from this technology as well, notes Guthrie, since hearing loss andhearing-related dysfunctions are the most frequent service-related war injuriesevenmore frequent than traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Even after more than 100 yearsof research on hearing loss, there is still no widely accepted biomedicaltreatment or prevention, Guthrie said. Our current work has the potential toresolve this issue.If were successful, this solution will be able toprevent hearing loss even after exposure to a traumatic level of noise.

Guthrie approached Optigenex asa potential collaborator on the project and has been pleased with the results.

Optigenex has supportedresearch on DNA repair and I conduct research on DNA repair, so I approachedthem to collaborate, he said.My experience with Optigenex has beenexcellent.They are science-oriented and driven to produce the bestproduct possible.

We are delighted to besupporting Dr. Guthrie and his staff at NAU on such an important application ofour patented technology, said Optigenex President and CEO Dan Zwiren. Dr.Guthries preliminary data coupled with our work in DNA repair suggests we mayhave a solution to address the burgeoning medical issue of hearing loss due tothe exposure to high decibel noise.

As director of NAUs Cellular and MolecularPathology Lab, Guthrie will work with his lab group to conduct thisresearch. He plans to hire two research specialists in 2020. The project also willprovide opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students to participatein research.

The possibility of finally developing a treatment forhearing loss is particularly exciting, Guthrie said.This is because, inaddition to being a research scientist, I am also a licensed clinical audiologistwith more than 17 years experience, so I am familiar with the day-to-daystruggles of individuals who suffer with hearing loss.

If the clinical studies succeed as planned, the next stepwould be conducting clinical trials to more precisely define dosing and timing.

Since 2008, Guthrie has been studying the mechanisms thatlead to hearing loss in order to identify targeted treatment strategies. Hisbasic science research program is focused on revealing molecular mechanismsthat regulate the integrity of active genes and the engineering of biomedicalapproaches to enhance the capacity of cells to protect their DNA. To this end,Guthries research group employs a range of genetic, epigenetic, molecular andpharmacologic strategies to regulate cellular DNA repair capacity. The researchfrom this work has led to patented and unpatented molecular constructs thatcould affect clinical outcomes. In addition to his basic science researchprogram, Guthrie is also interestedin translational research thatimproves clinical and epidemiology outcomes.

Optigenex is the owner and distributor of ac-11 (also known as C-MED-100), a patented water-soluble ingredient used in advanced nutritional supplements and cosmeceutical products. Derived from the medicinal plant called Uncaria tomentosa found in the Amazon rainforest, ac-11 has been shown to help the body repair its own DNA, lengthen telomeres, enhance the immune system and decrease inflammation. For more information about Optigenex, please visit

Kerry BennettOffice of the Vice President for Research

Originally posted here:
NAU audiologist collaborates with industry partner to develop novel therapy for noise-induced hearing loss - NAU News

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