Naveen Princeton Hallow's eve audition – Video

Posted: Published on December 6th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Naveen Princeton Hallow #39;s eve audition
Name: Naveen Princeton Age: 25 Curse: if someone touches him, he belongs to that person, and has to do what the other tells him to. Story: Naveen came to Lincoln few years ago, and worked as a musician. He started struggling with his life and sought comfort from drugs. Meeting Thrax for the first time. Soon the drugs started affectin him negatively. He began missing shows, and act aggressive if he was coming down from his high. One night he was performing and started missing notes, and got frustrated and broke the instrument and walked off stage. He got fired and was forced to live on the streets. He did anything from selling himself to pickpocketing to get money for the drugs. Then Thrax came by and took him in. Naveen thinks he is paying Thrax for the drugs with his body and is scared to stop using the drugs because he thinks Thrax would leave him then. On Halloween night he was at home, high as a kite, and thought he was having hallusinations or something when he saw those green little creatures. When the creature bit him, he got these chain type cuffs on his wrists, but nothing else seemed to happen. He hasn #39;t really figured out he has a curse yet. Video: Realy random, lacks logic I guess. First part is about Navi #39;s and Thraxies relationship, and the second about the curse. Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I make no profit.From:AntiloottioyViews:3 0ratingsTime:00:31More inFilm Animation

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Naveen Princeton Hallow's eve audition - Video

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